Category Archives: Chamomilla

Viewed through proving: looking back at 2013

Nuts and BoltsThe remedies reviewed so far include: Alumina, Arnica, Bryonia, Calcarea Carbonica, Chamomilla, Ignatia, Lycopodium, Mercury, Nitric Acid, Nux Vomica, Opium, Platina, Rhus Tox, Sulphur and Veratrum Album.

The two popular non-remedy posts on the blog were:
10 Tips for Homoeopathy Students and 10 tips for when the remedy isn’t working…

Below you’ll find some links to more 2013 posts:
Viewed through proving: Bryonia and Rhus Tox, together forever…
Viewed through proving: Opium distortions
A chat with the Master: Evil spirits and Aphorism 148
Viewed through proving: Nux Vomica
Viewed through proving: Lycopodium – without all the hot air
Viewed through proving: IGNATIA’s alternating symptoms
Changed and unchanged mental symptoms in prescribing
Viewed through Proving: Platina – tamed…
Viewed through proving: Calc-Carb (and a good cup of coffee)

Viewed through proving: Chamomilla and the Cafe Klatsch

“When I awake in the morning…I have the power of thinking and the activity of an oyster.”

“When I awake in the morning” writes a genteel, consummate coffee-drinking lady, “I have the power of thinking and the activity of an oyster.”

This comparison, taken from Hahnemann’s article on coffee in his Lesser Writings, was new to me.  However, in the early pre-coffee hours of the morning, I found I could relate – although I did find myself wondering where the pearls come into it.

Coffee holds pride of place in the proving of Chamomilla, showing up 14 times in the introduction and symptoms, mainly relating to its harmful nature and to the ability of this remedy to antidote coffee’s harmful effects.  Amongst other symptoms, it can trigger vertigo, toothache, nausea and vomiting. Continue reading

Viewed through proving: the not-so-serene Chamomilla

Cuppa tea, Chamomilla darlin’?

As practitioners reading this blog will confirm, we often learn the most valuable lessons from our patients.

A patient mentioned to me that recently she found herself irritable and snappy, and didn’t quite know why.  It turned out that since she stopped drinking coffee on a previous homeopath’s instructions, she had been drinking large amounts of chamomile tea. Continue reading